National security through intelligence
Strategy of the Finnish Security and Intelligence Service

The Finnish Security and Intelligence Service (Supo) counters threats to Finland’s national security and provides unique intelligence to prevent threats in advance.
Intelligence produced by Supo is an essential part of countering threats to national security and of foreign and security policy decision-making. We gather intelligence that is not available from other sources.
The values of Supo are legality, reliability and quality. These values are present in all everyday work with clients, partners and colleagues.
We are responsibly and courageously trying new approaches.
We can only succeed as a team, and working together with partners.
We take care of one another.
Implementation of strategy
This strategy is based on dialogue with staff and stakeholders. It is evolving and flexible: to be updated as required when operating conditions change. The strategy seeks to optimise our work, especially in three areas:
- intelligence gathering
- operating culture
- collaboration
- Supo provides policymakers with optimal and timely intelligence.
- We gather information and intelligence in a systematic and result-oriented way.
- Information guides our work. We adapt our work flexibly based on new information.
- We trust one another and take responsibility.
- We systematically enhance the competencies of our staff.
- Our management structure and decision-making processes are appropriate and transparent.
- We collaborate proactively and systematically in the national and international arena to support our intelligence gathering and benefit our partners.
- We strive for genuine interaction. We are attentive to the wishes of our partners.
- We build the Finnish intelligence culture together.