Facility security clearance vetting examines the reliability and data security of an enterprise
Facility security clearance vetting assesses the reliability of responsible individuals in the enterprise, its level of data security, and its ability to discharge its commitments.

Supo may perform facility security clearance vetting on a Finnish business that serves as a contractual partner of a public authority and requires authorisation to process classified national or international official information. Facility security clearance vetting on an enterprise discharging functions assigned by the Finnish Defence Forces or involved in their defence procurement will be performed by the Defence Command.
A Finnish or foreign public authority may ask Supo to perform facility security clearance vetting. An enterprise may also seek its own facility security clearance vetting in certain international cases.
On completing the security clearance process, Supo issues a certificate of facility security clearance vetting that remains in force for no longer than five years. The security arrangements of the enterprise must be reviewed again after this period has elapsed.
Like individuals, also facilities are entitled to say no to the vetting. Vetting is not conducted without the subject’s consent. Security clearance vetting is nevertheless often a prerequisite for defense or security procurements, for example, so an enterprise that does not hold a facility security clearance may remain outside the tendering process.
In international projects Supo as a DSA conducts vetting for Finnish companies
Finnish companies participating in international projects or tenders may process international classified official information. These undertakings may then be required to provide proof that they are able to process international classified information appropriately.
As a Designated Security Authority (DSA), Supo performs facility security clearance vetting for Finnish enterprises at the request of the National Security Authority (NSA). After Supo has granted facility security clearance to an enterprise, the National Security Authority at the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs issues a certificate of Facility Security Clearance (FSC).
Supo, the Defence Command, the Ministry of Defence, and the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom are Designated Security Authorities that each have their own area of responsibility within the remit of the National Security Authority.
A fee is payable for facility security clearance vetting
The fee for facility security clearance vetting is EUR 5,000 or EUR 10,000, depending on the scope of clearance. The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom) charges fees according to the time spent on the work if facility security clearance includes an assessment of information systems and communication arrangements. Traficom will provide an advance estimate of the fee on request.