The threat of extreme right-wing terrorism has grown in Western countries
The rise in far-right movements has also been reflected in Finland. The Internet plays a role in growing radicalisation.

Supo seeks to evaluate the threat posed by domestic extremism from the perspective of national security.
Lone operators and small groups constitute the most significant danger to national security arising from domestic extremism. Lone operators are individuals who commit a terrorist attack or other large-scale act of violence independently, without guidance or other support from any terrorist organisation.
Supporters and sympathisers of far-right terrorist activity have also been identified in Finland, with Supo noting a growing threat of extreme right-wing terrorism.
Concerns over online far right radicalisation
The threat of far-right terrorism has grown in Western countries. The inspirational impact of recent attacks internationally, and especially online radicalisation, encourages acts of violence by individual right-wing extremists in Finland.
Right-wing extremists of interest to Supo typically focus on online influencing and on promoting violent activities. Networking through social media platforms in particular, disseminating propaganda and promoting violent activities are an essential part of such operations. The Internet plays a major role in far-right radicalisation globally.
The extreme right takes a particular interest in weapons and explosives. Finland has also seen several prosecutions in recent years over firearms and explosives found in the possession of supporters of extreme right-wing ideology.
The first terrorist convictions related to far-right ideology were handed down in Finland in 2023 when the District Court of Päijänne-Tavastia sentenced three men to imprisonment at the end of October for offences committed with terrorist intent.
While it is likely that the extreme right-wing fascination with weapons and explosives primarily relates to preparing for the social instability that the ideology envisages, it can sometimes also be linked to plans for acts of violence.
Collaboration between the far left and Kurdish activists
While the growth of the radical antifascist movement is of interest to Supo, it does not currently pose a significant threat to national security. Antifascist activity in Finland focuses on opposing the far right, for example at demonstrations and online.
The extreme left has focused in recent years on working with Kurdish activists and engaging in radical antifascist action. Collaboration between the extreme left and Kurdish activists in recent years has led to some Finnish people travelling to North-east Syria to join armed organisations of Kurdish extraction operating in the region.